Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Baby Allergies And Baby Immunity Tidbits

Did you know that allergies do run in families? If both mom and dad have allergies, the baby has 50-75% chance of getting allergies. And as early as the first few months of a child's life, allergies can happen.

But aside from genetics, introducing solid food too soon or feeding one particular food type at an early age can cause baby allergies. So when you first start weaning, refrain from introducing these foods to your baby:

•    Peanuts
•    Tree nuts
•    cow's milk
•    fish and shellfish
•    soy products
•    eggs
•    wheat

This group of foods causes about 80% of food related allergy in babies. Avoid introducing them as first foods.

When introducing food, get your child accustomed to the taste and watch out for reactions. It is wise to maintain a food diary and record all your babies’ reactions to foods.

If your baby has adjusted to the single form without any reactions, add variety. Create different combinations of the foods from those that you have already tried. And remember to go slow. Your baby has a lifetime to try new foods. So why take the risk of introducing allergens so soon.

As babies are quite sensitive, it is important for parents to strengthen their immunity.  When a weak immune system responds to foreign substances that are normally harmless, an allergic reaction occurs.

Breastfeeding can actually strengthen your babies’ immune system. It is advisable to breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months.

Trivia Info Resource:

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