Friday, January 6, 2017

History Of Cardio Workouts

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Exercising is part and parcel of the daily routine of many people today. Some people start their day with this activity while others end their daily or nightly routine with it.

Cardio workouts, also known as aerobic exercises, pertain to exercises that involve or improve oxygen consumption by the human body.

Origin Of Aerobics

The history of cardio exercises can be traced back to the 1960s. The term aerobics was first coined by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, an exercise physiologist based in the San Antonio Air Force Hospital, Texas. He developed a system of exercises to prevent coronary artery sickness. This system was originally intended for those in the military. However, Dr. Cooper decided that the general public will also benefit from his exercises, particularly people suffering from obesity.  He then collated all of the aspects and methods he founded and published it in his book Aerobics, which was released across the United States in 1968.

Soon after the book’s release, dancer Jackie Sorenson developed dance routines that aimed at improving cardio fitness. This paved the way for aerobic dance.
In 1989, professional gymnast Gin Miller introduced step aerobics when she used her porch steps to rehabilitate her knee with low-impact stepping set to music. She then sold the idea to Reebok and is considered the creator of Step Aerobics, according to website Healthy Exercise World.

Today, you will it difficult to find the original aerobic system that Dr. Cooper in fitness centers. This is because cardio workouts have evolved already into Jazzercise (a combination of aerobics and Jazz music), Nia Technique, and Cardio-Kickboxing, among others.

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