Sunday, September 13, 2015

What Is Fake Grass Made Of

gardening tips
Today, more and more homeowners opt to use fake grass for their lawns and gardens. This is mainly because the use of fake grass is more cost-effective and practical especially these days when people really need to find ways to save more money. However, there are still people who opt for the real ones thinking that fake grass is not really safe for their health.

What is fake grass made of?
Fake grass or most often called as synthetic grass is usually made of nylon. This is a durable type of fiber that is used by many businesses these days. This is why fake grass is really long-lasting because the main material used to make it is very durable as well and can last for many years. The only thing that can actually affect its durability is when it is put under the heat of the sun for a long period of time. And so, most homeowners who use synthetic grass are always aware of the time when their fake grass is exposed to sunlight. This is one downside of using fake grass.

Since fake grass is usually made of nylon, many people are concerned about its effects on health. However, there are actually a lot new fake grass productions these days that are made specifically to address these health concerns.

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1 comment:

  1. Pat was very professional when he came out for the estimate, and his team rocked it.
    seattle synthetic grass
