Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mesmerizing Facts About Fish

It is quite interesting to know some of the fish facts for your cerebral pleasure. Fish are actually cold-blooded. This means that as the surrounding temperature changes, their internal body temperature changes also.

Other Fish Facts

Did you know that electric eels can actually discharge up to 550 volts? They use their shock as a defence to escape or perhaps for catching food. Also, just the front 1/5 of an electric eel contains vital organs – and these can be found behind its head. The rest of its body has organs capable of producing electricity.

Did you know that red lionfish are very beautiful in the aquarium? No wonder, more and more people want to have such in their aquariums. However, it is potentially devastating to the Atlantic Ocean. This is actually the first successfully invasive species.

Through a modified swim bladder that acts like a lung, the northern snakehead can actually gulp air as well as absorb oxygen. This allows them to travel across land so they can move into new bodies of water.

What is the largest fish in the world? It is the whale shark – it can grow up to 41 feet long. On the other hand, the only shark known to adjust its buoyancy by expelling air at the surface is the sand tiger shark. This allows them to hover nearly motionless in the water column.

Did you know that sole and flounders are fish with both eyes on the same side of their head? During larval development, the other eye will migrate to the other side. Also, they are capable of changing colors so their skin can blend with their environment. They often bury themselves in the sand, both eyes facing up, waiting to ambush their prey.

In Australia, there is a giant perch that changes sex at it grows up. This is the Barramundi. It starts as a male, and it becomes female when it reaches 19.7 inches long. They can grow up to 6.5 feet long.

Trivia Info Resource: thinkfish.ae

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