Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Breast Milk Nutritional Facts

Many people are already aware that breast milk is really good for babies. In fact, most health professionals strongly recommend breastfeeding babies for the first 2 years. However, not all people know what’s in breast milk that makes it very nutritious for babies. Check out the following nutritional facts about breast milk.

- Breast milk nutrients include, water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

- Breast milk should be given to babies exclusively for the first six months.

- Breast milk can be provided to babies along with other complementary foods until 2 years old and beyond.

- Breast milk has secretory lgA which helps protect babies from bacteria and viruses such as E. Coli and certain allergies.

- The fats that breast milk contains help in brain development and nervous system development.

- Breast milk has Lactose which is the primary carbohydrate in human milk and helps fight diseases, decrease the amount of unhealthy bacteria in the stomach and improves calcium absorption.

Indeed, breast milk is best for babies. Mothers should know that the vitamins and minerals found in breast milk are very essential for the wellbeing and overall health of the baby. Hence, breastfeeding your baby is a healthy choice.

Trivia Info Resource: www.peachymama.com.au

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