Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Facts About Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Or DOMS

During physical activities, muscle tension builds up in the soft tissues of the body. Because of overuse or overextension, lesions and minor injuries happen in these tissues causing pain and poor athletic performance. Sports massage prevents such injuries and helps alleviate pain.

Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness And Sports Massage

Among the common setbacks for athletes is delayed-onset muscle soreness or DOMS. This refers to muscle pain which often develops several hours after exercise. It consists of predominantly eccentric muscle actions. Though DOMS is somewhat symptom eccentric-exercise-induced muscle damage, this doesn’t affect muscle damage. In fact, recent studies revealed that sports massage might help prevent and reduce the debilitating and painful effect of DOMS in athletes.

Based on an Australian study involving 5 women and men who performed various new exercises, massage has played a crucial role in alleviating DOMS by about 30%. Swelling was also reduced through the improved lymphatic and blood system circulation, which resulted to the removal of metabolites and other toxins.

Sports massage must be applied before and after events, with lots of maintenance sessions in-between competitions or meets. Warming up the major muscles to be used and improving tissue pliability are the main focus of pre-event sports massage. The athlete might even have a good mental state for competition. Post-event sports massage, on the other hand, is mainly focused on recovery. Also, it is geared toward reducing metabolic build-up and muscle spasms, which often happen with strenuous exercise.

The study further emphasized that when sports massage is integrated into a weekly training routine, athletes might avoid DOMS. Hence, they will feel more focused and calmer pre- and post-event.

Trivia Info Resource: www.schoolofnaturaltherapies.co.uk

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